As a Slackware user, I tend to customise my configurations file a lot,
ie the files in /etc. I try to avoid using programs that write into
/etc, this helps to have a certain consistency among my configured
files. This also has the advantage to understand and optimise for
performance and speed while leveraging the work load to a minimal
In view of this methodology, I proposed to myself to setup up a git repository hosted under /etc and I performed this action on all three of my computers which are all now running Slackware x86_64.
So for every change in /etc, I performed an analysis and registered the change in git.
This step has to be taken whenever an upgrade or a patch has to be installed.
I always keep /etc updated under git. But on a reboot, new network connection using Networkmanager and automatic update of time using ntpd , this is what comes out of a git status:
It has been more than two years that I track my changes when
Slackware 14.1 was released and I wanted to quantify the changes
happened during an OS upgrade, There was not changes since at that time
and on that particular SlackBox I was using Slackware -current, so no
great changes was registered. But in the coming months Slackware 14.2
shall be released and it shall be a good moment to act on the
quantisation process of tracking configuration changes.
Nonetheless, the git repo has saved me time to reconfigure the system when I was testing the Nvidia driver directly rather that using Bumblebee. By removing and reinstalling all packages, I lad lost all my custom configurations done upon the /etc files and directories.
The solution obviously was to use git checkout to restore all files to the last commit.
Obviously, I cheated here. I also launched gitk and did a "git
reset master branch to here". This was equivalent to a git reset --hard
"commit id". This was much easier and quicker than to find the last
commit, then hard reset to that particular commit.
To my surprise there were a high number of new files in /etc when performing git status. Fortunately, they consisted only of *.orig and *.new and some backup files, ie *~. So the files were then removed using find.
In view of this methodology, I proposed to myself to setup up a git repository hosted under /etc and I performed this action on all three of my computers which are all now running Slackware x86_64.
cd /etc git init
cd /etc git status git add "The necessary files" git commit -m "The change that happened"
I always keep /etc updated under git. But on a reboot, new network connection using Networkmanager and automatic update of time using ntpd , this is what comes out of a git status:
git status # On branch master # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: adjtime # modified: # modified: mtab # modified: random-seed # modified: resolv.conf # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Nonetheless, the git repo has saved me time to reconfigure the system when I was testing the Nvidia driver directly rather that using Bumblebee. By removing and reinstalling all packages, I lad lost all my custom configurations done upon the /etc files and directories.
The solution obviously was to use git checkout to restore all files to the last commit.
cd /etc git status git checkout git status
To my surprise there were a high number of new files in /etc when performing git status. Fortunately, they consisted only of *.orig and *.new and some backup files, ie *~. So the files were then removed using find.
find . -iname "*.orig" -exec rm {} \; git status find . -iname "*.new" -exec rm {} \; git status find . -iname "*~" -exec rm {} \; git status
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